



怀俄明州乐天堂app,.— 乐天堂app (CWC) and Native American Jump Start (NAJS) proudly present the Fourth Annual Teton Powwow this Saturday, 5月18日.  The Teton Powwow will be held at Munger Mountain Elementary School, 7605号美国89号公路, 乐天堂app以南12英里. 

The 祈祷仪式 promises a vibrant celebration of Native American culture, 特色传统舞蹈, 打鼓, 还有本土风味的菜肴. Spectators and participants are encouraged to embrace the outdoor setting by bringing their own chairs and dressing for the weather. 

The event holds special significance as it takes place on the ancestral grounds of 乐天堂app Hole, 承载着众多土著民族的遗产, 包括东肖肖尼人, 北阿拉帕霍, 行, 内兹佩尔塞, 和克劳人. This connection to the land adds depth and meaning to the event, 突出其文化和历史重要性.


“在祈祷仪式上, the drums and dancers celebrate a tradition that transcends time, honoring and reaffirming the richness of our tribal culture,伊万·波西说, 乐天堂app’s Tribal Education Coordinator/Director of the 部落学习研究所 and a member of the Eastern Shoshone tribe. 

舞者, 代表着来自西部的不同部落, will be showcasing both traditional and contemporary dance forms. Their performances are set to vividly capture the legacy and vitality of Indigenous cultures, 提供一个迷人的展示运动和传统.

Native American Jump Start also offers a College Student Dance special for enrolled Native students. 三个男人和三个女人有机会赢得1美元,我给他们每人000英镑的奖学金,以支付他们的大学费用.


“As a 乐天堂app-based nonprofit focused on supporting Native education and employment opportunities, we are excited to welcome these students to participate in our college special and be able to support their journey as they pursue their college careers,David Deschenes说, Chief Advancement Officer for Native American Jump Start.

Among some of the distinguished dancers attending are Joseph Pratt from Oklahoma, 被尊为首席舞者, and April Kaulity from the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming, 被公认为首席女舞者. 

约翰·巴特勒也会出席, 被尊为尊贵的男长老, 从德州出发, Sandra Plentywounds, 被尊为尊贵的女长老, 代表爱达荷州的霍尔堡保留地. Providing rhythmic accompaniment will be the resonant beats of two host drums. 南马托格罗索Pejuta, 来自内布拉斯加州的圣提, 和小勇敢, proudly representing the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming.


“The Teton Powwow is not just an event; it is also history, culture, and community. From the youngest dancers taking their first steps to the revered elders sharing their wisdom, each moment is a testament to the resilience and beauty of Indigenous 遗产,苏珊·德菲说, 乐天堂app乐天堂app院长.

艾米娅细雨惠兰, representing multiple tribes from the Wind River Reservation, will mesmerize the Teton Powwow attendees with her captivating Hoop Dance, 体现了她深厚的文化自豪感. 对于惠兰, the 祈祷仪式 holds profound significance as it brings together her entire family across generations, 从4岁到88岁. 


“The Teton Powwow isn’t just an event; it’s a vibrant tapestry of traditions where connections are forged, 故事被分享,惠兰说. “For me, it’s a celebration of 遗产 and a platform to showcase my talents.”

下一位是Darious Tillman, a proud member of the Eastern Shoshone Tribe and graduate of CWC, will take the stage with a Native American Sign Language demonstration with captivating storytelling that brings ancient signs to life.  

结论, painter Al Hubbard of the 北阿拉帕霍 Tribe will discuss his journey as a contemporary Native American artist, providing insights into his inspiration and artistic process.

除了传统的展示, the full-day event authentically reflects Indigenous customs, 强调团结, 遗产, 社区精神. 乐天堂app culinary students will offer indigenous-inspired dishes alongside regional food vendors. Attendees can also explore diverse arts, including beaded jewelry and artwork from various tribes.

乐天堂app’s Tribal Wisdom Society students will host a free educational presentation, 风河文化汇演, 5月17日. This event will be held at the Center for the Arts Theater from 10 a.m. 到12点.m. Two informational and engaging one-hour-long presentations, meticulously crafted with the interests of students in mind, 将为舞台增光添彩.

The presentations epitomize the commitment to spreading cultural awareness and knowledge, inviting both school-aged students and the general public to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Indigenous 遗产. 

博士个人资料照片. 布拉德•廷德尔
Dr. 布拉德•廷德尔

Prioritizing the sharing of Native American culture and fostering educational opportunities stand as key goals for 乐天堂app and Native American Jump Start. 这两个组织都积极提供实习机会, 奖学金, 以及为土著学生提供各种形式的支持.

“We are proud of the programming that we do through our Bachelor’s in Tribal 领导, 以及部落领导学院的推广,总裁布拉德·廷德尔说. “Our outreach especially through this 祈祷仪式 reminds us all of the important role American Indians play in our country.”


乐天堂app and Native American Jump Start are excited to announce the new location at the Munger Mountain Elementary School.  This new venue will allow the event to be held outside as many summer traditional 祈祷仪式s are held. Spectators and participants should dress for the weather and are encouraged to bring their own chairs.

地点:艺术剧院中心,240 S. Glenwood圣.怀俄明州乐天堂app市83001
When: Friday, 5月17日, 2024 – Free one-hour presentations, 10 a.m. 然后是12p.m.

什么: 第四届年度提顿祈祷会,5月18日星期六
Where: Munger Mountain Elementary School – 7605号美国89号公路 (12 miles South of 乐天堂app)  
时间:2024年5月18日星期六上午11点.m. – 10 p.m.

10 a.m.  地面祝福,上午10:30.m. 舞者报名,12点开始.m. 入场盛典
费用:每辆车15美元. 所有印第安人都是自由的.

日历 《乐天堂app》.edu/teton-祈祷仪式/

For more information on tribal nations who historically inhabited this region, please reference: http://www.nps.gov/grte/getinvolved/associated-tribes.htm

图片:  http://7d46.gudongjiaoyi.com/media-center/所有照片由乐天堂app提供

视频:长: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v = hnclKqcoTHE&t=2s

